Author / Jared Turkus

Jared Turkus is a junior in the College of Arts & Sciences. He will major in Political Science and Business. He can be reached at
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  • Do We Really Have the Best Food?

    BY JARED TURKUS Washington University’s food quality impacts all its students, regardless of their backgrounds, tastes, or majors. In the Daily Meal’s 2013 study, Wash U placed second in university food quality, outranked only by Bowdoin College. Bon Appetit, with exclusive catering rights, staffs all primary on-campus eating locations in the Bears Den, the DUC,…

  • Why We Need the Trade Promotion Authority Now

    BY JARED TURKUS The economy is finally recovering from the Great Recession. The deficit is falling at the fastest rate since WWII: it stands at $645 billion, down from $1.4 trillion in 2010. The unemployment rate was 10 percent in October 2009; as of December 2013 it has fallen to 6.7 percent. GDP grew 3.2…

  • Bitcoin: A Driver Of Great Change

    BY JARED TURKUS Bitcoin is a decentralized, crypto currency that is revolutionizing consumers’ attitudes towards money and financial commerce. In 2009, an anonymous programmer(s) named “Satoshi Nakamoto” published the proof of concept, leaving its growth to depend on word of mouth. Mining computers called “miners”, which are engineering to exclusively solve complex mathematic algorithms, create…

  • In God we Doubt

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” While the United States was founded on this two-fold principle of freedom of religion and freedom from religion, it did not keep the religious right from gaining influence over public policy during the early years of the Cold War.…

  • In Defense of Leakers

    BY JARED TURKUS Over the past few years, three leakers have sparked a debate in Washington over the degree of transparency that should be present in government and what the government can and cannot do without public disclosure. Chelsea Manning (born Bradley Manning) and Edward Snowden are two Americans who abused their government clearances to…

  • Fixing Public Education: One, Two, Three

    BY JARED TURKUS The University of California system has been the gold standard in American public higher education for years. According to the U.S. News & World Report, eight of its undergraduate institutions are ranked in the top 100, six in the top fifty and two in the top twenty-five U.S. universities. It is known…

  • The Lady’s Ironclad Legacy

    Thatcherism: love it or hate it, what remains incontrovertible is the Iron Lady’s clear influence on modern-day politics. In 1979, just twenty years after her first election to the British Parliament, Margaret Thatcher made history, becoming the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and one who propelled her Conservative Party to a forty-four-seat…