Tag / wealthy

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  • How The Wealthy Skirt The Organ Waitlist

    You start feeling severe abdominal pain and swelling. Soon you experience fatigue, nausea, and disorientation. You go to the doctor to ask if anything is wrong. The doctor runs tests and gives you a harrowing diagnosis: your liver is failing and you need a new one as soon as possible. Unfortunately, she tells you that…

  • The Beginning of the End of the Middle: An S.O.S. from the Middle Class

    BY HANNAH WALDMAN “It’s not that we don’t care, we just know that the fight ain’t fair, so we keep on waiting, waiting on the world to change,” croons John Mayer in what has become an anthem for the millen­nial generation. Let’s face it—as college stu­dents, we often shrug our shoulders at big issues, assuring…