Tag / fossil fuels

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  • Dissonance

    There’s a time and place to be a proud Wash U student. That place might be during a Christmas gathering with family, or when a student researcher makes a major breakthrough. But in those places where the Wash U sprawl has gentrified the area, or where drunken college students disrupt the peace, it’s best to…

  • Demystifying Divestment

    The national movement for fossil fuel divestment has reached Washington University, and several groups on campus have begun an effort to publicize the cause. Divestment is a complex economic and political strategy to address important social issues, and there has already been some debate and confusion over what exactly “divestment” means. The basic idea behind…

  • Divestmentgate, Ctd.

    This may be the first time Perlblog has inspired real ire on campus, and the heat is coming from the left (which is ironic if you’ve read most of the other items in this space). To backtrack, earlier this week I wrote a post about how Wash U’s nascent “divestment” movement — which seeks to…