Tag / 2016

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  • John Oliver and “Real” Journalism

    With each passing primary, Donald Trump moves closer to the Republican nomination, and thus to the presidency. While polls seem to indicate that a general election against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton would be a bloodbath for the GOP with Trump as its nominee, many Republican voters continue to voice fullthroated support for Trump. The…

  • Please God, Endorse Me

    Media figures often talk about how there are two different kinds of primaries going on: the electoral primary—decided by caucuses, primary elections, superdelegates, and a party convention—and the invisible primary. The invisible primary is made up of two components: fundraising and endorsements. The fundraising category is further split into money raised by Super PACs, organizations…

  • Ted Cruz and His Fight for the Nomination

        “The Obama economy is a disaster, Obamacare is a train wreck and the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of leading from behind—the whole world is on fire.” Ted Cruz’s climax was nigh as he roused the crowd with hellfire, brimstone and thinly-veiled references to interracial sodomy. Before Mr. Cruz could finish his description of the…

  • Game Theoretic Understanding of Presidential Elections in the United States

    BY STEVE KIM When Mitt Romney failed to make Barack Obama a one-term president, conservative leaders blasted him for not having been conservative enough. During his campaign, Romney made deliberate efforts to move left. Did Romney fail because he was too liberal for a Republican candidate, or did Romney fail despite his attempt to appear…