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  • Losing Hope and Losing Face

    BY NAOMI DURU America: land of the free and home of the brave. On the interna­tional stage, we used to stand for something much bigger than ourselves. Countries sought our help in times of need, and we were usually quick to come to their aid. However, in a post-WWII world, the perception of America as…

  • Hassan Rouhani: A Sheep or a Wolf?

    BY GABE DAVIS When Israeli Prime Minister Binya­min Netanyahu took the stage to address the most recent UN Gen­eral Assembly in New York, he was not a hap­py man. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s friendly media blitz had inspired optimism regarding a more moderate Iran, but Netan­yahu was intent on reminding us with whom exactly we…

  • Germany: The Hypocrisy of Republican Economic Policy

    BY ARI MOSES The Republican Party frequently condemns the Democratic Party for deficit spending, but what alternate economic poli­cies do they have in mind? According to members of the party, Republicans want austerity measures and wish to cut financing for most social programs. Yet, they praise the German economic system; Representative Joe Wilson extolled the…

  • The Days of Our Chilean Lives

    Michelle and Evelyn, childhood friends, know each other well. Their fathers worked closely as Air Force generals more than four decades ago. But questions about the death of Mi­chelle’s father continue to swirl around the two families. Was Evelyn’s father complicit in the torture and death of Michelle’s father? The two women will find themselves…

  • How United are the Nations?

    The United Nations (UN), like its predecessor, the League of Nations, was born out of the ashes of a world war. With the advent of atomic weapons, a third world war could have been apocalyptic. And so, in a quest to quite literally save the world, the founding countries of the UN strove to create…

  • Shattering the Façade: The Burgeoning Oil Cities of the Middle East

    To the casual onlooker, the new, ex­ploding cities of the Middle East, such as Dubai, are 21st century marvels that defy the growth patterns of traditional Western cities. The sleek architecture cou­pled with the finest contemporary construc­tion materials leave the impression that these new cities will eclipse New York and London as the financial hubs…

  • The Price of Skinny Jeans

    BY MATTHEW HANKIN Before last spring, few Americans had heard of Rana Plaza, an illegally constructed eight-story building in Savar, Bangladesh. On April 24th, 2013, the building, which contained textile factories that supplied skinny jeans and other garments to Walmart and other American and international brands, collapsed, killing over 1,100 workers and injuring approximately 2,500.…