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  • The Local Beat

    BY WILL DOBBS-ALLSOPP Traditional print journalism may be on the decline, but celebrity journalism is in vogue. In the last few months, electoral augur Nate Silver and Wonkblog guru Ezra Klein have each launched highly anticipated sites. This summer, former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller and Pulitzer-prize winning journalist David Le­onhardt are rolling…

  • Does The Market Reward Musical Talent?: Vulfpeck, Spotify, and the Changing Face Of The Music Industry

    BY JARED SKOFF At 7:30 every morning this past summer as a counselor at Camp Ramah, I enforced a daily listening of Vulfpeck’s first EP, Mit Peck, in my bunk. “These guys are gonna be big one day,” I would tell my twelve campers as they were waking up, “just wait.” Despite my outward confidence,…

  • Current Student Voice on the Board of Trustees

    BY EMILY ALVES, JOSH SOLLER & CAITLIN LEE This Thursday morning, on May 1st, two student representatives presented to the Board of Trustees’ Undergraduate Experience Committee on expanding Wash U’s sexual violence support and response team. Student Representatives apply for this position, which includes the chance to present to those who make many decisions that…

  • Parsing “Apartheid”

    The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a Washington behemoth famous and notorious for its clout on Capitol Hill, prefers to work behind the scenes. Sure, once a year they throw a giant party in the Washington Convention Center that over half of Congress regularly attends along with a press contingent worthy of the Olympics. But…

  • The Conversation has Started: Why Wash U Students Need to be Talking about Peabody

    BY JOSELYN WALSH On Thursday night, the Peabody sit-in ended. Here’s the big question: What has been its impact? I began this week with a detailed plan of how I was going to finish all of my essays, study extensively for a weighty Friday exam, and get a near-optimal amount of sleep. That all changed…

  • An Interview with Provost Thorp

    BY NAHUEL FEFER Nahuel: Provost Holden Thorp, former chancellor of University of North Carolina Chapel Hill assumed his position as Washington University’s chief academic officer nearly a year ago on July 1, 2013. Provost Thorpe, thank you so much for speaking with me today. How would you say your first year has been going thus…

  • It’s Not About Peabody: Why We’re Having the Wrong Discussion

    BY KAITY SHEA CULLEN Beneath the archway of Brookings Hall, a group of student activists remain steadfastly put, no less deterred by administrative pressures than by St. Louis’s capricious spring weather. The students are bold in their demands: remove Peabody Energy CEO Greg Boyce from the university’s Board of Trustees, and have Chancellor Wrighton take…