Author / Johnathan Romero

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  • A Perspective on America’s Healthcare System

    The fundamental pursuit of any health care policy is achieving the optimal balance of affordability, access, and efficacy.   The public discourse surrounding American healthcare policy is predominantly marked by a struggle between two competing visions for the ideal system on opposite ends of a spectrum. The left’s vision entails a single-payer apparatus in which the…

  • Affirmative Action Is Obsolete

    Affirmative action, as practiced in America’s most reputable universities, has outlived its utility. It emerged in U.S. social policy with John F. Kennedy’s 1961 executive order declaring that affirmative action would help ensure federal job applicants “are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, or national origin.”…

  • The Tragedy Of The Sexual Assault Discussion On Campus

    Recently Student Life published a front-page article describing a new study by a team of Wash U students about the prevalence of sexual assault at Wash U’s fraternities, specifically as inflicted upon Wash U sorority members. Ignoring that this was not a comprehensive study it completely ignored sexual assault toward non-sorority female students, men or…

  • The Antidote To The Sino-American Trade Conflict

    For most of human history all but a sliver of the populace scraped by on a meager income below the current International Poverty Line of just $1.90. Not until the Enlightenment in the West did global wealth experience a significant, sustained increase over time. Not coincidentally, the interval since the Enlightenment has also been the…

  • The Supreme Value: Why Free Speech Is Paramount On College Campuses

    “Knowledge is power,” is a ubiquitous aphorism in modern society. As George Washington–our university’s namesake–once said, “Knowledge is in every country the surest basis of public happiness.” The exalted status of knowledge in society is remarkably recent. Not until the Enlightenment–or as it’s also known–the Age of Reason (17th-18th centuries) did knowledge become such a…

  • North Korea: A Pointed Example of Diplomacy’s Limits

    There is no doubt that the evolving crisis on the Korean Peninsula represents one of America’s greatest and most consequential foreign policy challenges ever. Given America’s history of dilemmas in the foreign policy sphere, it is a difficult title to bear, but consider the following. In the event of an armed conflict, military and civilian…