Author / Daniel Smits

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  • Don’t Lose The Fights You Pick

    Breaking news cascades at a breakneck pace in this interminable 24-hours news cycle. Scandals come and go in the blink of an eye. Political careers are ended left, right, and center. The global order seems to teeter on the edge of catastrophe. As engaged citizens, one must take the time to filter, analyze, and contextualize…

  • 7 Years of Plenty, 70 Years of Famine: Understanding Venezuela’s Crisis

    “I’d have been better off broke.” This is how Abraham Shakespeare, a $30 million American lottery winner, described his windfall. “It’s just upheaval that they’re not ready for,” a financial consultant explained. “People have had terrible things happen.” A common “filler” story for news channels is the “Curse of the Lottery.” These cautionary tales warn…