Author / Aitan Groener

Aitan Groener is a sophomore in the College of Arts & Sciences. He can be reached at
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  • A Verdict on Backfiles

    Students learn from a young age that cheating in school is a cardinal sin, and the penalties are there to prove it. In writing essays, taking tests, working problem sets, and doing research, students know it is of the utmost importance they avoid plagiarizing, cite their sources, meet expectations of group work, and avoid the…

  • The Prevailing Wage Gap

    “This Congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work. Really. It’s 2015. It’s time,” President Barack Obama said in his 2015 State of the Union address. The wage gap between male and female employees has been a major focus…

  • Diluting the Heavens

    I think of primordial human. In the day, she worked and sweated and at night, before he laid his head to rest, he looked at the stars and considered what lay above. I think of Galileo, who charted the sky and mapped its constellations. I think of the myths and legends, created by countless masses…

  • Free Market Environmentalism

    “No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change,” President Obama stated during his State of the Union address. It would be easy to dismiss the President’s words as banal and empty platitudes were it not for the landmark agreement he made in November with President Xi Jinping of China, which stipulated…

  • On Wash U Housing

    BY AITAN GROENER It’s easy to persecute those with little resources. Many residents of Lee, Beaumont, and Ruby, count among the now infamous eight percent of students who receive government Pell Grants, meaning they come from low income families. Leading up to early stages of the housing selection process, it became clear that Lee and…