Month / April 14, 2010

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  • Talking Heads: Lipton's New Spokesperson

    From the state of Alaska, a proud mother of five who has shot herself to the forefront of American politics joins WUPR for some one-on-one time. WUPR: Good evening everyone. Please give your warmest welcome to Ms. Sarah Palin, former governor of our 50th state, 2008’s former vice-presidential hopeful, and currently, well, what do you…

  • Ban on Music in Somalia Starts

    On Tuesday, Islamic militants who are in de facto control of Somalia’s capital Mogadishu ordered all radio stations to cease playing music, claiming that all music is against the principles of Islam. So far, more than a dozen radio stations have complied immediately with the orders of the militant group Hizbul Islam. Although many Somali…

  • Spin Till You Win: Chapter 2

    “Congressman, I have Chairman Richardson on line two.” “Thanks Clarissa, can you put him on.” Congressman Stewart rubbed his hand through his politician-perfect hair and picked up the phone. “Congressman, how are you? Enjoying Washington life so far?” “Yes, Mr. Chairman. It’s very different from work at a state capital, but I’m enjoying myself so…